Apache, Tomcat, Jetty, Spring, SparkJava. When a beginner starts a backend application, frameworks take care everything, we don’t need to care about how it works just focus on the API programming which is good and bad. I want to talk about them from my understanding, my learning path.

What is a server

When I start my work for SiriusXM, I did a lot of network IO work involved lots of TCP connections (Client/Server). At that time, I don’t even touch HTTP server. Server is not only meaning web/HTTP server. For me, the server means a pure TCP server, it can be database server, or websocket server or any computer you can get a response.

sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
int ret = bind(sock, port); // bind port
ret = listen(sock,1); // listen
connfd = accept(sock, client, client_addrlength); // accept connection
int fd = open("hello.html",O_RDONLY);
sendfile(connfd,fd,NULL,2500); // send response

This is a simple TCP server which does not handle HTTP and just return a HTML file. However when you connect to this server through a browser, it will still get HTML file back and see the HTML content. So the core of the web HTTP server is just a TCP server return a HTML file.


The HTTP is a protocal which define the rules how client and server communicate with each other and transfer data, like only client can fire a connection to server then server will give response back, etc. We often compared it with websocket. HTTP not only can be used in web browser, it can be used any application. HTTP connection can be considered 3 steps. First is to establish a TCP connection. Second, client generates HTTP format request and send to server. Last, server sends back HTTP format response to client.

Apache is a widely used HTTP server. Apache has a process of URI Translation, it will translate the URL to match the resource it looking for and return the file, such as HTML, tar, etc. It kinda looks like what we did before, return a file but the pure TCP server does not have ability to analysis URL, the server can only accept the connection with the hostname and port. What’s more, apache can analysis more based on HTTP protocal.

It can only provide static content. For a web server, all web page needs to be written and placed in the designate path.

web broswer ------> HTTP server
get file

When we hit http://laravel.com, Apache analyse the request information knows that we didn’t specify a file, so it looks for a directory index and finds index.php. .php file should send to PHP app. Then Apache receives the output from PHP and sends it back over the Internet to a user’s web browser.


Static content is not enough for complex web service. We need dynamic content. Also when we have complicated web service and we don’t want to couple web service with HTTP server. HTTP server should not be responsible for finding the right service to ask for content. As a result, we define a abstract layer servlet container. Container will accept servlet, which are interfaces for Java application.

               request                           (Container)
web broswer ------> HTTP server -----> Servlet ----> service
<------ <----- <----

This is not completely right, it is easy to understand. Servelets need to be deployed in Servlet container. Servlet container will find right servlet for the request.

public interface Servlet {
void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException;
ServletConfig getServletConfig();
void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)throws ServletException, IOException;
String getServletInfo();
void destroy();

For a simple example, we can inherit HttpServlet and implement service we want and map and request with corresponding services in web.xml. Then we deploy these into web container. Tomcat and Jetty is a web container (HTTP server plus servlet container).

In constructing response, we can place data from dababase in to it.

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println("<HTML>My Servlet!");

For now, all frontend pages are generated from backend and sent to web browser. It is heavy load. Nowadays, we separate frontend and backend. Frontend like Angular/React call backend endpoint to get data. Backend only return json instead of the whole HTML page.

Like PHP/ASP, Java provides JSP to generate HTML from backend. Developer can write Java code in HTML style template and generate HTML file. JSP is a wrapped servlet, we don’t talk too much here.

Other Framework

Spring wraps tomcat and SparkJava uses Jetty. SpringMVC is based on servlet. If we don’t know what is servlet and how does it work, it is hard to understand SpringMVC. If there is anything wrong here, please let me know by email.